One of my goals for 2014 is to stretch my skills. I recently learned how to do some basic knitting & I have plans for some other needle crafts. I'm also trying to teach myself the ins & outs of design work & Adobe Illustrator. I LOVE learning & I love trying new things.
That's why I'm really excited about this upcoming Life Scripted class from Studio Calico & artist Kal Barteski. I can't wait to learn how to create modern script & incorporate it into my paper crafting & home decor. Here's a little more about the class:
Here's an example of Kal's work. I also have a Pinterest board started full of inspiration for the class.
You can read more about the class & sign up here. (Enrollment open through the end of January.)
There are also art supplies available in the SC shop. Don't forget the free shipping code when ordering!
There are several digital files & templates available as soon as you register. Class starts on Feb. 1st.
If you're inspired to try something new & stretch your skills, I'd love to see you in the classroom!

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