It's not every day that I blog about a books. (In fact, I'm not sure that I ever have during the past 7 years that I've been blogging.) But this week, I read a book that really spoke to me & I wanted to share it with you - The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith. And, I saw that (today only) the Kindle version is on sale for $1.99!!! I bought the hardback version & it's just beautiful, inside & out.
This is the first home decorating book that I've read cover-to-cover.
In fact, I just got the book a few days ago & couldn't put it down.
The cover is what initially grabbed my attention. I'm not going to lie, I love a pretty package. ;) But what really caught my eye was the title. It was done by Lindsay Letters who I'm a HUGE fan of! She's designed several products for Studio Calico over the past year & has a beautiful online shop.
definitely not your traditional decor book and although the photos are
beautiful, the real beauty of this book are the words. I felt like the
author really spoke to my heart & in just a few day's time, has changed
the way I look at my home.
Even though this book isn't the type that
tells you to "put this there" or "paint this that color", I feel
completely inspired to decorate & make my house feel like a home.
I've been frozen for years, living in a house that I've failed to see
immediate potential because we have a very limited income. I love that
the author understands what it's like to be in my shoes & I closed
the book feeling like I could do so much with the little that we have.
It's an awesome read & I'm so glad that I took the plunge &
ordered the book.

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